Community Curators Group


/ ˈkyo͝oˌrāt / (verb)
to select, organize, present, and look after the items or information in a collection

Curation goals

The Synergy Commons is curated by the staff of visionSynergy and a volunteer group of members who serve in hands-on roles as developers, administrators, moderators, editors, and facilitators. We welcome feedback, recommendations, and contributions from all members.

Our goals as a curation team are to ensure the smooth operation of the site and to make available to our community the best resources and training we can find.

Content philosophy

Effective ministry networks and partnerships depend on a unique and varied set of leadership skills. We draw content for the site from many different areas. Our primary source of insight is the wealth of experience found in the networks and partnerships currently operating in many mission fields around the world.

But we also draw insights from secular fields of leadership in business, nonprofits, and academia. While the principles that drive powerful partnerships are thoroughly grounded in the Bible, they are not limited to the pages of the Bible. Like the principles of healthy human relationships, the principles of effective partnerships apply in all fields. All Truth is God’s Truth.

Join the Curators Group

Any active member of the Commons is welcome to join the Curators Group.

There are two requirements to join:

1. Be an active member of the Commons Advisory Group

2. Be willing to contribute to the Commons as a volunteer in one of these areas:

  • Operations – Development, Administration, Moderation
    Graphic design, technical development, site administration, group/forum moderation, etc.
  • Content – Research, Editorial, Facilitation
    Content research, resource publication and review, training development and facilitation, etc.

If you are ready to join the Curators, click the button to visit the Curators Group page and request membership.



Daniel Dow
Daniel Dow (@dsdow)
Community Facilitator