
  • Joining the Commons is easy. Just fill out the fields below to create your account.

  • Account Info

  • Your USERNAME in the Commons is your unique login ID.

    USERNAMES on the Commons are similar to a Twitter ID or Skype ID. USERNAMES are public and visible to all members of the site and can be used to send messages to other members.

    If you wish, you can make a DISPLAY NAME (see below) that is different from your USERNAME. For example, if your name is 'Alice Jones' you could make your Commons USERNAME to be 'ajones' but your DISPLAY NAME to be 'Alice J.'

    Note: Your account USERNAME cannot be changed, but you can change your DISPLAY NAME at any time.
  • Your registration EMAIL is the address where you wish to receive all notifications and updates from the Commons.
  • Personal Info

  • Your DISPLAY NAME is public and visible to all members of the site.

    You can make your DISPLAY NAME to be different from your account USERNAME. (Your account username is how you login and send/receive messages to other members. Account USERNAMES cannot be changed.)

    Your DISPLAY NAME can be anything and you may change it later if you want. For example, your DISPLAY NAME can be: a full name ('Alice Jones'); an abbreviation ('Alice J'); a first name only ('Alice'); a typical username ('ajones'); or anything else you want ('foogoo42').

    Note: if you work in a security-sensitive area, you may want to use an alias, abbreviation, username, or other pseudonym for your DISPLAY NAME.
  • Only visible to logged in members of the Commons. You may change this information or its visibility at any time.

    Choose a primary country you want to be associated with your profile. You may choose your country of residence, the country where you work, or any other country of interest. You will be able to find and connect with other members based on country.
  • Only visible to logged in members of the Commons. You may change this information or its visibility at any time.

    Describe anything about yourself, your experience, or your interests that you would like to share with other members.

    Put specific areas of interest in brackets [like this]. Any word or phrase in brackets will automatically be linked to others who have the same words or phases in their profile descriptions.

    For example, you could say: 'I am interested in [church planting] in [North Africa].' Any other member who also lists [church planting] or [North Africa] in their profile will be automatically linked. Clicking a link in a member's profile will perform a search for all members who share the same interest.
  • Organization Info

  • Only visible to logged in members of the Commons. You may change this information or its visibility at any time.

    Your primary organizational affiliation (ministry, church, denomination, or other organization).
  • Your role, position, or title within your organization.
  • Other organizations with which you work or are affiliated.
  • Network Info

  • Your primary network / partnership affiliation.
  • Your role, position, or title within your primary network.
  • Other networks with which you work or are affiliated.
  • Ministry Focus

  • Community Guidelines

    The Synergy Commons is a community of practice for collaborative network leaders working to advance the Kingdom. While we each bring to this task different gifts, resources and strategies, we are a community united in Jesus Christ and a common Kingdom mandate. Therefore, all members agree to conduct themselves in a spirit of unity with generous grace, respectful humility and love for one another as members of the same body.

    By joining the Commons, you agree to the following Community Guidelines:

    * I agree to look for ways to bless, encourage and support other members.

    * I agree to participate in the Commons with a spirit of unity that celebrates and respects the diversity of gifts, talents, callings and cross-cultural strengths of all community members. We recognize that we are all members of one body who each have value and purpose. This is not a community divided by difference or us vs. them world views. Rather, we commit ourselves to be a community united by our Lord’s mandate to reach a lost world in need of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a unity of spirit and engagement not based on mere tolerance, but rather that of Christian love one for another.

    * I agree to respect the confidentiality and security concerns of other members by not sharing or publishing any member or ministry information without the specific permission and approval of that member.

    * I agree to assume another member’s good intent – recognizing that electronic forms of communication and cross-cultural differences can result in unintended statements and communications.

    * I agree to show respect and grace in all interactions by avoiding personal attacks and demeaning, inflammatory, derogatory or inappropriate language in your shared communications, content or images. This is not a place to discuss doctrinal differences or to engage in theological and political debates. Inappropriate communications, trolling, flame wars etc. will result in the removal of the content and a reminder of the policies regarding conduct on the site. Repeated abuses will result in the member being banned and losing membership privileges.

    * I agree to respect each member’s contributions, copyright and trademark restrictions, and give attribution for all material downloaded from the site. We apply a Creative Content License to all content not specifically copyrighted or trademarked by other individuals or organizations and request community users use the same licensing standard for community content.

    * I agree to contribute to the community by offering suggestions for improvement, recommending and contributing collaborative network leadership resources, participating in discussions, inviting other collaborative network leaders and sharing your experience as appropriate.

    * I agree, after first prayerfully striving to resolve any differences or misuses of the site personally, to report abuse or misuse of the website and its guidelines to the site curators.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.