Author: The B’s | Source: YouTube channel
Millennials in Mission: Engaging the Next Generation of Collaborative Leaders
The next Generation, Gen Y and Gen Z, are a new type of missionary. They are full of passion, ready to take risks, educated, and uniquely gifted. Unfortunately, misunderstandings frequently lead to Millennials being under-utilized. In this webinar, we will discuss the importance of building and fostering the Millennial Generation.
Key Ideas
- Generation Y and Z are the largest demographic group in most countries around the world.
- Generation Y & Z missionaries are uniquely positioned to reach other Millennials.
- They bring many strengths. Unfortunately, generational misunderstandings, under-utilization, and the lack of community result in many leaving the field.
- Intentionally utilize Millennials in their areas of gifting, build mentor relationships, and provide opportunities for leadership.
- Millennials and Mission
This book focuses on the passing of the torch to the Millennial generation. Jim and Judy Raymo wrestle with big questions in this book. They give an in-depth look at this generation of young people and the future of missions in its hands. They highlight the strengths and weaknesses of this group, comparing its characteristics with those of the Baby Boomers and Gen Xers. In spite of the challenges, their book gives a clearly optimistic picture of the Millennial generation’s potential contribution to accomplishing the Great Commission. - The Deloitte Millennial Survey 2016
Deloitte surveyed nearly 7,700 Millennials from 29 countries during September and October 2015. This survey focuses on Millennials’ values and ambitions, drivers of job satisfaction, and their increasing representation in senior management teams. - Millennial International: Sponsor a Millennial today
Millennial International is a sponsor-based program designed to help Millennials live the lives they portray on Instagram. - The Gen Z Effect
One of the most profound changes in business and society is the emergence of the post-Millennial generation, Gen Z. While every new generation has faced its share of disruption in technology, economics, politics and society, no other generation has had the ability to connect every human being on the planet to each other. In this new book, The Gen Z Effect: The Six Forces Shaping the Future of Business, authors Tom Koulopoulos and Dan Keldsen look at a future where disruptive invention and reinvention is the norm, touching almost every aspect of how we work, live and play.