Source: YouTube | visionSynergy
In this video, Phill Butler shares the story of what happened when a group of ministries forming a new partnership discovered how much unnecessary duplication existed in their work.
Source: YouTube | visionSynergy
In this video, Phill Butler shares the story of what happened when a group of ministries forming a new partnership discovered how much unnecessary duplication existed in their work.
What do you recommend as the most efficient way to find the others working in the same area or with the same people groups even before there is interest in a partnership?
Hi Karen,
1. Conferences or consultations where believers from that country might attend
2. Reach out to global mission orgs (Wycliffe, SIM etc.)
3. Look for partnership and networks at Linking Global Voices (
4. I’m assuming you’ve already done an internet search
Hope this helps,
Here are a few resources that might help:
1. Phill Butler has written extensively about the early Exploration stage of partnership development. You can download his book for free here:
2. I see from your profile that you are based in, or interested in, Nepal. You may want to watch the video story from Tim Taylor about his work with the Limbu Partnership in Nepal. In that story, he shares about going from zero to engaged:
3. There are a number of other video stories here on the Commons about the Exploration stage of partnership development. Here are a few that may be helpful:
Hope these are useful!
Thank you Daniel and Lucas.