Dangerous Pitfalls

Dangerous Pitfalls


Dangerous Pitfalls

There are many potential pitfalls in network development. But in each stage of development there is one major pitfall that frequently leads to failure. These three major pitfalls are a lack of time (Exploration stage), lack of trust (Formation stage), and lack of task (Operation stage).

Here are links to resource topics that explore these three pitfalls.

No Time

The Exploration stage will likely fail if little time is given to conducting research, building relationships, and listening to others. A common mistake is to rush through the Exploration stage and simply call a meeting of potentially interested people without adequate preparation.

No Trust

The Formation stage will likely fail if potential network participants or partners do not trust one another and do not develop a consensus of understanding. A common mistake is to simply assume a network or partnership will be formed and present a pre-determined vision rather than develop the vision through discussion and consensus.

No Task

The Operation stage will likely fail if the leadership does not motivate the participants to accomplish actual work toward their shared goals. A common mistake is to become distracted by administrative issues of structure, budgets, meetings, etc. and lose sight of the primary vision.

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