Kingdom Partnerships
Phill Butler
10 sessions
12 hours
This video seminar is an introduction to Kingdom partnerships presented by Phill Butler – author, partnership consultant, and founder of visionSynergy, InterDev, and InterCristo.
This seminar was originally recorded at the YWAM Impact World Tour training. Some of the details and discussion are specific to the IWT program, but the principles presented are universally applicable – no matter what the context of your partnership may be.
The seminar includes 10 sessions covering 12 hours of video content, downloadable notes, and ongoing discussion.
Watch each session in order, download the notes, and participate in the discussion forum with other members of the Commons.
Download folder for seminar notes:
Kingdom Partnership discussion forum:
Join the conversation with other Common’s members. Go to the Kingdom Partnership discussion forum for this webinar.
Session 1:
Session 2:
Session 3:
Session 4:
Session 5:
Session 6:
Session 7:
Session 8:
Session 9:
Session 10:
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