Category Archives: Quote

35 Network Quotes

Looking for a good quote on networks and partnerships? Here are 35 quotes about cooperation, networks, and partnerships…

Partnering Well – Two Key Questions To Answer

Two Key Questions

As mission agencies, local churches, and other ministries begin to explore partnering efforts across the boundaries of their organizations, two key questions often emerge: (1) How can you know when it is right to partner with other organizations in pursuit of a God-given vision? and (2) What can you do to make those partnerships successful? …  

John Robb ~ “… lack of cooperation and collaboration … the major hindrance to world evangelization”

David Barrett and James Reapsome in their book, Seven Hundred Plans to Evangelize the World, identified lack of cooperation and collaboration between Christian organizations as the major hindrance to world evangelization. They write that two-thirds of all global evangelization plans are stand-alone, self-sufficient plans, each viewing itself as at the center of world evangelization…