Collaboration: Reaching The Unreached Through On-Field Partnerships



Source: YouTube (English) | YouTube (Chinese) | YouTube (Korean) | Create International

Based on a True Story of a Multi-Organizational Team

This 4 minute motion-graphic film, in English, Chinese, and Korean, follows the story of two workers who came to reach an unreached people group with the Gospel. With so few workers compared to the size of the people group, they pray together and get the idea to find other workers with the same vision to form a partnership on the field.

As they all meet together in consultation year after year, the results are astounding. Language maps, prayer guides, story sets, indigenous worship, and audio-visual gospel presentations are produced. Global consultations bring together national and overseas churches. Local believers form church-planting teams to go into other language groups and church leadership is placed in the hands of indigenous leaders.

In conclusion, viewers are encouraged to collaborate on-field as part of the task of reaching unreached people groups with the Gospel.