Living and Working Virtually in Uncertainty

“The COVID19 crisis brings into stark relief an awareness that we’ve long held dear. We are all connected and the well-being of each of us is important to the well-being of all of us. So, first and foremost, we want to lean into our relationships, engaging with our colleagues and partners as people first. If ever there was a time for people to know how much you care, it’s now. “


Cynthia Silva Parker shares practical ideas and suggestions for how to lead your community or network in times of uncertainty when the future as we know it is changing. These are times that can and will transform us, our families, our communities, and the world. How can your network be a part of that transformation process?

Key Ideas

  • Lean into relationships
  • Deepen trust
  • Take appropriate actions
  • Cultivate a strategic, collaborative mindset

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