Logical Framework

The Logical Framework

The Logical Framework

Most missional networks and partnerships are formed around some shared vision for what the members hope to accomplish together. If you are like other network facilitators, then at one point or another, you have found yourself sitting down in a meeting with a group of others to draw up some kind of strategic plan for your network or partnership.

But far too often, our strategic plans turn out to be quite vague about how exactly our planned activities will accomplish our big vision.

Fuzzy Logic

If you want your plans to do more than collect dust, then you need to pay attention to the two most powerful words in strategic planning:

If …
Then …

These two words are the heart of a simple but effective planning tool known as the Logical Framework.

Sometimes referred to as a “logic model” or “outcomes model”, the Logical Framework is a tool you can use not only for planning, but also for managing, evaluating, and communicating with others about your partnership projects. The Logical Framework will help you make clear connections between your activities, results, goals, and measures of success.

The Logical Framework can be especially helpful (even required) when seeking outside funding for major projects. Many Western donors will ask ministries/organizations to include a logic model in their grant proposals and, in turn, to report on how well their activities met the expected results and how these results are expected to accomplish the overall goals of the project.


Explanation by Terry Schmidt

One of the original pioneers of the Logical Framework is Terry Schmidt, a management consultant who has used this tool over several decades with thousands of leaders in more than 35 countries.

Here below is a selection of videos from Terry Schmidt to give you an in-depth introduction to the Logical Framework tool.


If you can only watch one video, watch this one:

Logical Framework Quickstart – with a tongue-in-cheek example (23min)


If you want to see the Logical Framework in a more complex, real-world example:

Asian Gypsy Moth Invasion (18min)


If you want to see Schmidt explain this live in a workshop:

Logical Framework Intro – saving dogs in San Diego (12min)


Here is a deeper dive into the topics:

Developing a Strategy/Objectives Tree (19min)

Logical Framework Deeper Dive (22min)


For more detailed explanation with examples, see Terry Schmidt’s book:
Strategic Project Management Made Simple

Strategic Project Management Made Simple - Terry Schmidt