Tag Archives: Barriers

Mission Partnerships – The Harsh Reality

Mission Partnerships

We all know the theory of unity. Christ prays for his church “that we may be one” so that the world may see that God sent Jesus into the world. Reference John 17. We know that unity is what Paul identified as “living a life worthy of the gospel” and that we would make every effort to keep the bond of peace. Reference Ephesians 4:1-4. And we even know the economics of unity. We know that it is a better use of resources if we work together; that as Christians in minority situations we will have a greater impact when we partner. We know the ideal of unity but what about the reality? Here was my experience…  

Called to Collaborate


There is a new spirit of collaboration emerging in the 21st century as opportunities for the advancement of the gospel multiply. Recognizing the enormous need for our Lord’s ministries of forgiveness, reconciliation, hope, and peace, some Christian leaders are overcoming historical rivalries and conceptual differences by working together to see God’s purposes accomplished in their generation.