Tag Archives: Best Practices

Tool: Network Consultation Report Template

It is extremely easy for members and leaders of networks and partnership to “recall” the content of a consultation or conference in widely diverging ways. visionSynergy recommends that network and partnership leadership create a Summary Report that can serve as a common data set, or shared referent, for all members. Below is a consultation summary report template that you can use to share key event decisions, details, and information with your members and stakeholders…  

Tool: How To Give Advice The Right Way

Have you ever been frustrated when people ignore your advice? Or have you been frustrated when people in your organization, partnership, or network simply stop asking for your advice? In this video, productivity consultant Ed Muzio explains a four-step process for giving advice the right way. Using this approach will make it more likely that people will not only come to you for advice, but even more so that your advice will actually be helpful to them…  

The Partnership Field Guide

Partnership Field Guide
The Partnership Field Guide (PFG) is a free 100-page resource that outlines the step-by-step process for developing effective mission partnerships. Based on nearly 30 years of work with mission networks and partnerships around the world, the Guide includes a section on “Partnership Theology” and a detailed overview of 15 key principles that power high-impact partnerships…