Category Archives: Guide

The Partnership Field Guide

Partnership Field Guide
The Partnership Field Guide (PFG) is a free 100-page resource that outlines the step-by-step process for developing effective mission partnerships. Based on nearly 30 years of work with mission networks and partnerships around the world, the Guide includes a section on “Partnership Theology” and a detailed overview of 15 key principles that power high-impact partnerships…  

Consensus Decision-Making

Consensus decision-making is vital to the effectiveness of mission networks and partnerships. However, many of us who serve as network leaders struggle to build genuine consensus in our networks, partnerships, or working groups. The reason is that consensus decision-making processes are very different from the top-down decision-making processes most of us know from our own organizations….  

The Pocket Guide to Partnership

The Pocket Guide to Partnership is a 2-page summary of the process and principles for developing effective missional partnerships. Drawn out of nearly 30 years of field experience around the world, the Guide outlines the 3 main stages and 15 key principles of partnership development…  

Code of Best Practice for Church-to-Church Partnerships

Many local churches around the world are actively engaged in cross-cultural overseas mission work through partnerships with missionaries, other churches, and numerous agencies. However, these local church partnerships are also often fraught with failures. Global Connections, a network of 200+ Christian churches, agencies, and colleges in the UK have developed a Code of Best Practice for Church to Church Partnerships….