Phill Butler: Partnership Essentials

Author: Phill Butler | visionSynergy


Partnership Essentials:

Recorded at the 2016 Blue Med Regional Consultation in Malta, this new 10-part Partnership Essentials training video playlist by Phill Butler focuses on ten partnership concepts fundamental to healthy networks and effective network leadership. This video series provides new network leaders with an invaluable primer on key partnership concepts and practices. Experienced network leaders will find the video series an encouraging refresher and a useful resource to share with their leadership teams and network supporters.

Partnership Essentials Video Series: (View a specific video in the playlist)

  1. Vision Central to Effective Partnership: the Four Key Elements (3:20 min)
    In his first video, Phill Butler explores four criteria for creating a partnership vision: 1. Is this something God wants done? 2. Is it too big for any one organization to do? 3. If accomplished, will it align with the mission and purpose of my own ministry and calling and 4. Can we state the vision in terms of clear, specific outcomes. 

  3. Due Diligence: Why Good Listening and Research is Essential (3:03 min)
    In the second video, Phill Butler explores the vital importance of good listening and research prior to a network’s formation. Listening and research provide credibility, visibility, insight into critical issues and challenges, and key connections.  

  5. Partnership Development and Operation is a Process: Exploration, Formation, Operation (4:09 min)
    Partnership is a process not an event. In the third video, Phill Butler describes the three stages of partnership: Exploration, Formation, and Operation.  

  7. Process of Evangelism and Discipleship: Different Roles, Different Players in Partnership (4:14 min)
    In the fourth video, Phill Butler describes evangelization and discipleship as a process that requires many different gifts, parts and roles. God calls all of us to play our part. Through partnership, God uses his people to accomplish His gospel work. 

  9. Restored Relationships: The Heart of Effective Partnerships (3:45 min)
    In the fifth video, Phill Butler shows how restored relationships are at the heart of effective partnerships. We work together in love, partnership, and unity because this is God’s ultimate desire and expression of Himself in us. 

  11. Trust: Key Elements and How its Established (3:33 min)
    In the sixth video, Phill Butler describes how trust is the glue of partnership. If there is no trust, there will be no partnership. 

  13. The Power of Community Witness: Implications for Partnership (3:45 min)
    In the seventh video, Phill Butler shares the often overlooked power of community witness that emerges when God’s people work together in unity and love. 

  15. Engagement: Everyone a Participant, Not a Spectator (3:06 min)
    In the eighth video, Phill Butler shows the critical importance of engaging everyone in your partnership. You cannot have spectators. Effective partnerships intentionally involve everyone according to their passion and skills. 

  17. Prayer: Spiritual basis for Partnership-based Kingdom Breakthroughs (3:28 min)
    In the ninth video, Phill Butler highlights the spiritual basis of collaboration and partnership and the essential role of prayer in the development and growth of a partnership. 

  19. Communication: The Lifeblood of Effective Partnerships (4:22 min)
    Communication is the lifeblood of a partnership. In the tenth video, Phill Butler stresses the vital importance of establishing regular communication with four key stakeholders: Those we serve, members of the network, the administrative people behind the network, and those who are praying and giving.  