Tag Archives: Commitment

Crossing the Line of Commitment

Cross the Line

A partnership always defines its own ground rules regarding participation. Typically ‘strong’ partnerships are based on very specific points of commonality among the participants and there are clear and reasonably costly participation requirements (those costs may be cash, resources, political, organizational, influence, personal loyalty and/or commitment, commitment of other tangible or intangible assets, or other obligations of participants).

The Formation Meeting

In this video, Clyde Taber shares a story about the formation meeting of the Visual Story Network, highlighting many of the best practices in partnership development: (1) considerable time invested up-front in building relationships and exploring interest, (2) a gathering of the key people who are interested/involved in the area for the purpose of exploring collaboration, (3) a defined process with open-ended outcomes (i.e., not assuming a partnership will be formed), (4) consensus-building, (5) defining priorities, (6) organizing for action with working groups, and (7) a dedicated facilitator.

Sharing Resources

In this video, Ernie Addicott tells a story from Central Asia about one of the most practical benefits of partnership: the sharing of resources. One of the best practices of partnerships is that of volunteering our resources. Even in functioning partnerships, there is often untapped potential because partners lack an in depth awareness of each other’s strengths and capacities.

The Practical Benefits of Partnership

In this video story, Ernie Addicott talks about what happened when three different Bible translators from three different countries discovered that they had all been working on the same project in the same place without any knowledge of each other.