Tag Archives: Operation

Characteristics of High-performance Ministry Networks

Breakthrough or Maintenance?

Networks have enormous, game changing potential. They can re-write the future. In an increasingly interconnected world they hey can help realize truly impossible dreams far beyond the capacity of any individual or organization. Yet many well intentioned networks never realize their potential. There are reasons for this. This short paper seeks to explore some of the keys that spell the difference between an ordinary and a high performance ‘breakthrough’ network.

Sharing Resources

In this video, Ernie Addicott tells a story from Central Asia about one of the most practical benefits of partnership: the sharing of resources. One of the best practices of partnerships is that of volunteering our resources. Even in functioning partnerships, there is often untapped potential because partners lack an in depth awareness of each other’s strengths and capacities.

Perspective on Progress

Sometimes people working in partnership with others can become frustrated when it seems that after all the effort invested in the partnership, the group has accomplished only one or two major objectives. In this video, Phill Butler shares why it is important to keep perspective on progress, because partnership objectives – by nature – are greater than what any one organization can accomplish alone.

Lessons Learned (Process & Momentum)

In this video story, Andy Rittenhouse reflects on the struggles experienced while trying to form a church-community collaboration in a public housing roundtable. Looking back, he highlights the importance of having a dedicated facilitator, following a defined process, and keeping the momentum going in partnership development.