Tag Archives: Culture

Trust in Loose and Tight Cultures

Climbing team

The ability to instill trust is a hallmark of successful global leaders. Cultural differences and perceptions of trust can make this difficult. This article shows how new trust-building behaviors can be developed when collaborating in cross- cultural situations…

Global Insights for Leading and Ministering in Honor-Shame Contexts

Honor-Shame Banner

In April 2016, visionSynergy and HonorShame.com co-facilitated a global online learning conversation on SynergyCommon.net. The burst group focused on leading and ministering in honor-shame contexts. Network leaders will find it a useful resource for leading global network teams. This document — Global Insights for Leading and Ministering in Honor-Shame Contexts — summarizes the key ideas that were shared over the course of 14 days by 30 participants from around the world.

Honor and Shame 101

While honor-shame is the primary operating system for 80% of the world, it remains a significant blind spot in Western culture, theology, and missiology. It also has significant implications for leaders of cross-cultural teams. Watch this 5 minute animation explaining honor & shame for Christian ministry.