Tag Archives: Values

Principles for Network Thinking and Action

Network thinking

Author, Curtis Ogden, speaks to some of the shared values and principles that help networks amplify their impact or influence through what are called “Network Effects”. These are small actions and attitudes that collectively have a “multiplier effect”. In this article, discusses eight principles of network thinking and action that when practiced can result in effective, growing and vibrant networks. ..  

What Collaboration Looks Like

Nate Vander Stelt shares the many ways he sees GACX members effectively modeling intentional collaboration. In this blog post, he shares several common themes he sees running across many different kinds of effective collaborations.

Honor and Shame 101

While honor-shame is the primary operating system for 80% of the world, it remains a significant blind spot in Western culture, theology, and missiology. It also has significant implications for leaders of cross-cultural teams. Watch this 5 minute animation explaining honor & shame for Christian ministry.