Tag Archives: Principles

Principles for Network Thinking and Action

Network thinking

Author, Curtis Ogden, speaks to some of the shared values and principles that help networks amplify their impact or influence through what are called “Network Effects”. These are small actions and attitudes that collectively have a “multiplier effect”. In this article, discusses eight principles of network thinking and action that when practiced can result in effective, growing and vibrant networks. ..  

The Partnership Field Guide

Partnership Field Guide
The Partnership Field Guide (PFG) is a free 100-page resource that outlines the step-by-step process for developing effective mission partnerships. Based on nearly 30 years of work with mission networks and partnerships around the world, the Guide includes a section on “Partnership Theology” and a detailed overview of 15 key principles that power high-impact partnerships…  

Partnering Well – Two Key Questions To Answer

Two Key Questions

As mission agencies, local churches, and other ministries begin to explore partnering efforts across the boundaries of their organizations, two key questions often emerge: (1) How can you know when it is right to partner with other organizations in pursuit of a God-given vision? and (2) What can you do to make those partnerships successful? …  

Five Ways Toward Genuine Partnership

Five Ways Toward Genuine Partnership

It was a hot day and I was running late and I was lost. Not a great combination. In a sweaty, stressed and rather disjointed way I managed to ask a security guard for directions. His reply was less than helpful: “Sorry mate, you can’t get there from here”. Perhaps it was when he saw the colour drain from my face, or my jaw drop that he realized the incongruity of his remark. The security guard went on to tell me that if I could just relocate myself to the other side of campus I would easily find the meeting I was running late for.

The journey from disunity to unity may seem impossible, but perhaps we just need to change our starting point a little to see that it is actually more within reach than we thought. Here are five postures that we could adopt to begin the route to unity…  

The Pocket Guide to Partnership

The Pocket Guide to Partnership is a 2-page summary of the process and principles for developing effective missional partnerships. Drawn out of nearly 30 years of field experience around the world, the Guide outlines the 3 main stages and 15 key principles of partnership development…  

30 Years, 30 Insights

Success or Failure?

For nearly 30 years, I and numerous colleagues have been developing mission partnerships around the world. Here are 30 insights that we have drawn out of our successes and failures. May these lessons learned help you in your own journey.