Resource Library

The Peloton Principle

… In the early days of the Tour, cyclists were not allowed to ride close to each other, but as cycling speeds have become faster and faster over the years, the modern peloton has become a central feature of the race. That is the Peloton Principle – racing together saves energy and increases performance. Think about that for a moment in your own ministry context. Could you imagine a 40% improvement in your work?…  

Five Ways Toward Genuine Partnership

Five Ways Toward Genuine Partnership

It was a hot day and I was running late and I was lost. Not a great combination. In a sweaty, stressed and rather disjointed way I managed to ask a security guard for directions. His reply was less than helpful: “Sorry mate, you can’t get there from here”. Perhaps it was when he saw the colour drain from my face, or my jaw drop that he realized the incongruity of his remark. The security guard went on to tell me that if I could just relocate myself to the other side of campus I would easily find the meeting I was running late for.

The journey from disunity to unity may seem impossible, but perhaps we just need to change our starting point a little to see that it is actually more within reach than we thought. Here are five postures that we could adopt to begin the route to unity…  

Consensus Decision-Making

Consensus decision-making is vital to the effectiveness of mission networks and partnerships. However, many of us who serve as network leaders struggle to build genuine consensus in our networks, partnerships, or working groups. The reason is that consensus decision-making processes are very different from the top-down decision-making processes most of us know from our own organizations….  

Global Insights for Leading and Ministering in Honor-Shame Contexts

Honor-Shame Banner

In April 2016, visionSynergy and co-facilitated a global online learning conversation on The burst group focused on leading and ministering in honor-shame contexts. Network leaders will find it a useful resource for leading global network teams. This document — Global Insights for Leading and Ministering in Honor-Shame Contexts — summarizes the key ideas that were shared over the course of 14 days by 30 participants from around the world.

Five Observations in the New Era of Christian Networks

In his Christianity Today blog “The Exchange”, Pastor, author, and blogger, Ed Stetzer explores why people are more attracted to networks than churches or denominations. This blog post is drawn from a recent seminar he gave at a Pastor’s conference. At this seminar, he challenged denominational leaders with five ways that denominations could adapt and become more like networks.   

The Secret To Successful Meetings

Leaders of networks and partnerships know that helping groups collaborate together can involve countless meetings. Unfortunately, we have all been in meetings that seemed to go nowhere and achieve nothing. In this video, productivity consultant Ed Muzio shares a simple agenda tool that will make your meetings much more effective…  

A Simple Tool For Sharing Private Information

Members of mission networks and partnerships often need to share private information with each other. And sometimes, that information can be very security-sensitive. But sharing sensitive information like passwords, contacts, or document links over email or chat is a bad idea…