Author Archives: Daniel Dow

Networks & Partnerships

In a time when so much is being said about ‘networks’ and ‘partnerships,’ what do we really mean? Knowing what form of collaboration is most relevant to the challenge we are trying to address can be critical. Are partnerships and networks really the same? If they’re different, so what? The answer is that, no, they are not the same. And, yes, understanding their differences, their strengths and weaknesses, can have a real impact on what you do and how you do it, and can save time, energy, and frustration!

Collaboration: Reaching The Unreached Through On-Field Partnerships

Based on a True Story of a Multi-Organizational Team

This 4 minute motion-graphic film, in English, Chinese, and Korean, follows the story of two workers who came to reach an unreached people group with the Gospel. With so few workers compared to the size of the people group, they pray together and get the idea to find other workers with the same vision to form a partnership on the field…  

Partnership Case Study: NEPR (The North End Partnership For Renewal)

Case Study - NEPR

The team at visionSynergy have put together a fictional case study on collaboration designed to show the step-by-step process and key principles of developing missional partnerships. While the story of NEPR is fictional, the content and characters of the story are drawn from numerous real-world examples of church/community partnerships. The story is set in a major metropolitan area of the United States, where the characters collaborate together over several years toward the goal of addressing major social issues in their city…